学院 academic institution; college ; faculty; ....
政治学院 1. institute of political science
艺术学院 arts institute; institute of arts
农业学院 farm institute
市立学院 city college
航空学院 aviation institute; 1. aeronautical institute
文学院 faculty of arts college of liberal art; college of liberal arts; ....
工程学院 1. engineering institute ; engineering college; facul....
理学院 1. college of science ; college of science and engineering; ....
科学院 academy; Academie des Sciences ; academy of sciences....
财经学院 1. institute of finance and economics
戏剧学院 drama institute; 1. drama institute; opera institute
药学院 college of pharmacy; 1.a pharmaceutical college; a pharmaceutical institute
农学院 agronomy Acad; 1. agricultural college; college of agriculture
商学院 commercial college; business school ; commercial coll....
医学院 1.a college of medicine ; medical college; college of....
商业学院 college of business; institute of business; business ....
设计学院 design institute
船舶学院 1. shipping institute
学院的 academic; collegial; collegiate;
1. Most of the students of this college live in dormitories. 这所学院的多数学生住集体宿舍。
2. The new college will be located in the suburbs. 这所新建的学院将设在郊区。
3. The college biology department has diversified by adding new courses in biotechnology. 该学院生物系通过增加生物技术方面的新课程而变得多样化。
4. The residential blocks were integrated with the rest of the college. 住宿区与学院其他部分结合在了一起。
5. Our institute has ordered a great many instruments from the company. 我们学院向该公司订购了不少仪器。